Every person has a dream job. For some it may be to be a teacher, a pilot, a cook, a writer, a mother or father. If you were to ask me what my dream job would give them a list of things I want to be, a list of things I want to achieve. Considering I must choose at least one job to pursue going into and after college I chose to be a nurse. I do not want to be just an average nurse likes the ones you see in movies. I want to be a neonatal nurse. Now I did not suddenly just wake up and realize this is what I want to do for the rest of my life because it doesn't work like that, well at least not for me. I decided I wanted to be that nurse starting with the moment I saw that hospital at 12:32 AM.
I thought to myself that I had never seen anything more peaceful in my life. A building. A square, tan, tall, wide building. A building full of windows on ever floor. A building with a lights on in every hall way. A building that does nothing but sit there while chaos is within it. How and why would anyone think this think is hospital is beauty?
In class today, my group and I were brain storming ideas on how to make a hospital clinic attract the attentions from viewers on the outside. It's all about architecture. The way the building flows with its surrounds, or even how it doesn't flow with the surroundings. These are both key element on attracting the human eye to a structure like a hospital clinic. This observation of our really made me think. Why would I be so attracted to a boring hospital at 12:32 at night when it doesn't even have great architecture? And why would I ever wanna work in such a thing.
It took me a while to answer these questions. Because we talked about architecture so much in class, I thought for sure that had something to do with the problem. But surprisingly I was mistaken. I realized something I never realized before. This something was one of the best realizations I came to earlier today. This something was light. But this wasn't sunlight. This was artificial light. The kind of light you get from lightbulbs. As I drove past the hospital that Friday night, I realized that the reason I loved it so much was because unlike most buildings this building never loses light; whether it is sunlight or artificial light it is always glowing. You can see hospitals from far away distances at night time because of light. You can see into the hospital hallways because of light. You can see that even though most of us may be sleeping, the hospital is not, because of light.
It was the light that brought me to love the look of this building, even as square shaped as it is. It was the light that lead me to believe that I wanted to be in the light, I want to have that light surround me everyday. But when the lights do go out, even for a moment, it stills seems to shine because in reality, it is the people that are the light. It is the suffering, sick, and helpless people that are shedding the light and I now know want to be someone to follow that light for the rest of my life.
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