Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blogging Around

Katie J.

In Katie's post she wrote about organizing her room. Who knew such a simple task could be so challenging yet so relieving. This point was one of the main points Katie talked about in her post. Being a teenager myself I found Katie's post easy to read and easy to relate to. This was one of the main reasons I chose hers to comment on.

I feel the same as Hannah. I really liked this post. The main reason I like this was because i can relate to this post a lot, as mostly any teenage student could say. Considering we are on the same basketball team I feel you pain. My room is the last thing on my list of priorities. Another thing I really like about it was you were really descriptive. As weird as this may seem, I felt i could just picture you doing everything you mentioned. Overall, I really like your writing. The combination between short and long sentences really helps the blog post flow which is what overall helped create such a fantastic post. Good Job KJ!

-Katie Dwyer

Shayne T. 

Shayne's post was one of the post that struck me the most. I made me realize something I never realized before. She made a connection between Alberto Knox and Mr. Allen. This is something I would have never done without having read her post. She focused on the point that both Mr. Allen and Alberto Knox both want to not only broaden knowledge but also be able to apply it to the world. 

Let me just start off by saying I love how you connected Mr. Allen and Alberto Knox. I never really compared the two before but after reading your post it is all clear to me. They do share similar traits. Mr Allen pushes us everyday to learn more about the world around us and not about the equation of a line but actually connects it to real life stuff, just like Alberto is doing for Sophie. I thought overall your blog post was very clean and concise. You got right to the point without all the little side comments in-between. I thought your thinking was out of the box and Mr. Allen and Alberto would be supportive of that thought process. Good Job Shayne!
-Katie Dwyer